Friday, May 13, 2011

Here Goes Everything

Is everyone blogging but me?  Just wondering.  I told my friend's I was going to start blogging just to vent.  to throw out every last thought running through my brain.  I just don't care about usage, terminology, big words, correctness of my posting.  I just want to post.  I don't think I'll even care if anyone ever reads the blog or follows the blog.  But, I have a new outlet and I intend to use it.

I'm a cranky 42 year old overweight full time working single mom of a 6 year old girl.  Recently I split from an engagement with a raging alcoholic after going through several months of being ill from a reoccurring UTI.  I think I have a right to be cranky.  I want to rant about being old, being sick, surviving late nights of useless fighting with a drunk, finding my way back to sanity, my lack of money management (Suze Orman would hate me!), my exercise start up, and hopefully someday a weight loss success  (LOL - if only).

And, I think I could go on beyond the tip of the iceberg because I left out insane, moody, and never know which side of anything I'll be on one day to the next.  My list of insecurities and emotional ups and downs could be rolled out on a complete roll of toilet paper dragging out of my pantyhose as I walk around going through life.  Thank God I don't wear pantyhose anymore!  And why would I think of it in that way?

Rant for the day.  Giving into a whining crying child because you are tired from traveling for business all week.    But, loving her all the same.  I don't mind giving in and going to Dairy Queen and Play Land.  It keeps me from cooking and doing more dishes.  But, to give in because the 6 year old throws herself on the floor and cries...well, see where that is going. I think the protests will get louder and more costly as she gets older.  As much as I want to change her quick temper, I know it comes from me.  So, I need to change me not her.

I hope this is the beginning of that change.  Is it ever too late?  And, why did I not start earlier?  How successful can I be without professional help and intervention?

1 comment:

  1. Never to late, maybe you should throw a temper tantrum when she does one of 4 things could happen, 1 she will continue, 2, she thinks you went nuts oh well, 3, the neighbors call 911, or 4, you go to the crazy house. I guess the 5th one would be she thinks this is crazy stops it and loves her mom. I like no. 5. Glad to hear you vent and I hope it helps you. Glad you got rid of the bum. Oh and your just a babe in the woods not a old lady I get that title. And isn't pre menopause a hoot, been doing that for years, just go with the flow. From A cranky old sister in law.
