Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Superwoman Complex – Complete Myth?

Why do I fret if the house is not spotless?  Why do I fret if I have an outburst with Grace?  Why do I fret if the laundry or dishes aren’t done?  Why do I fret if I don’t take Grace to the park after school?  Why do I fret if the grass is a little taller than I think it should be?  If I haven’t dusted, went to the gym, haven’t posted a blog, haven’t caught up on work, haven’t caught up on Twitter, haven’t mopped, taken the dog for a walk (which I rarely do), volunteer for Meals on Wheels, volunteer anywhere, sit in on Grace’s classes or chaperone one of her outings.  Oh the list goes on and on and on.  

I am not Superwoman.  Never was and never will be.  Lighten up and take a load off….my shoulders.
I feel less of a woman because I can’t do it all.  I think other women do great and fit it all in with a spouse and more than one child and one dog.  I have dreams they can work full time, raise 2+ kids, clean the house, work in the garden, dine out with friends, take exercise classes, and keep up on laundry and dishes with ease and grace.  Do they?  I don’t know because I’m not one of ‘them’.  Is it a myth?

I’m a single mom that has energy every other day to do something…so tackle laundry or dishes – not both.  Hell, I don’t even make a decent dinner every night.  It could be fending for yourself or like last night grilled chicken wraps, baked sweet potato fries, and granted from a can Mandarin oranges…but my child loves Mandarin oranges.  Tonight ham steak, fresh asparagus and corn on the cob, but not until after I take a nap.  That means dishes from last night are still piled high and I think I have a load in the wash that has been there 2 days now.  They’ll have to be re-rinsed.

Am I the only one?  The only one that struggles to do it all knowing they are failing.  So I have started prioritizing.  Make sure I get to the gym, patience with getting Grace ready for school, healthier dinners I hope.  But, still want a nap tonight instead of dishes or laundry or picking up the living room and cleaning the office.  So how do I look past the mess – the dirty dishes, soiled laundry, toys all over the living room?  Another thing to figure out.

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